- 1 : 2020/05/23(土) 21:02:10.48 ID:f5gKEcxZa
Hana Kimura: Netflix star and Japanese wrestler dies at 22
1 hour ago
https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-52782235- 2 : 2020/05/23(土) 21:02:41.96 ID:LmQjWtbf0
- あーあ
やっちまったなぁ - 3 : 2020/05/23(土) 21:02:43.96 ID:f5gKEcxZa
- Hana Kimura, a professional Japanese wrestler who appeared in the latest series of Netflix's reality show Terrace House, has died at the age of 22.
Stardom Wrestling, Kimura's organisation, confirmed the news and asked fans to be respectful.
The cause of death was not immediately clear.Shortly before she died, she issued a series of troubling social media posts implying she had been cyber-bullied.
The most recent update on her Instagram story on Friday featured a photo of her with her cat, with a caption that read "goodbye".
A winner of Stardom's 2019 Fighting Spirit Award, Kimura was one of the cast members of Japanese reality TV show Terrace House, before it was suspended due to coronavirus.
The show follows three men and three women as they temporarily live together in a house.Her mother was also a well-known wrestler, Kyoko Kimura.
Confirming her death on Twitter on Saturday, Stardom said: "Please be respectful and allow some time for things to process,
and keep your thoughts and prayers with her family and friends."Concerns were raised on Friday after Kimura reportedly posted images of self-harm on Twitter along with messages that read:
"I don't want to be a human anymore. It was a life I wanted to be loved. Thank you everyone, I love you. Bye."Kimura is said to have been the target of hundreds of mean tweets from fans and critics on a daily basis. On news of her death,
fans and industry figures spoke out against cyber-bullying and its impact on mental health."It absolutely breaks my heart how cruel people can be on social media," said Impact World Champion Tessa Blanchard.
"It was an amazing honor to know Hana Kimura. She was an amazing girl with the kindest soul and immense passion and work ethic."
"I hope this serves as a reminder that interactions on social media can have a serious effect on the mental health of anyone, no matter who they are," wrote wrestling journalist Adam Pacitti.
Among those also paying tributes to the star online was British professional wrestler Jamie Hayter, who wrote:
"Distraught. I don't even know what to say or feel. Numb. I can't express it. RIP Hana Kimura. Such a wonderful human being."
US wrestler Su Yung said: "I will always love and miss you, my friend. You are my little sister." - 4 : 2020/05/23(土) 21:03:16.78 ID:wNfTFej90
- 世界食い付き過ぎだろ
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- おれのしあわせは日本人の恥ずかしい生態が世界に知れ渡ることなんだ🥰
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- >>8
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- >>15
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世界は許さないよおまえらを - 13 : 2020/05/23(土) 21:04:32.48 ID:0cA/r+SSa
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まじで書き込んだやつ逮捕したほうがいいよ - 19 : 2020/05/23(土) 21:05:32.86 ID:c7tW4PZI0
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- あぁぁぁぁw
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- 世界よこれが日本だ
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- これなんとか韓国で起きた事件に出来ないか?
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- >>35
野党のせいにする手はひょっとしたらあるかもな - 36 : 2020/05/23(土) 21:10:06.48 ID:db+AWNDe0
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死んでたのか - 37 : 2020/05/23(土) 21:10:09.38 ID:QGQG3ZTg0
- しかもハーフだからな
化けの皮剥いだら人種差別大国ですよ - 38 : 2020/05/23(土) 21:10:13.21 ID:PXPygMOR0
- ジャアアアアアアアアアアアアアア
- 39 : 2020/05/23(土) 21:10:31.46 ID:LWAfpEG/0
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仕方ねえから名誉白人認定させてやるよ - 40 : 2020/05/23(土) 21:11:20.08 ID:pymevsdJp
- 有名なプロレスラーなん
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いい加減欧米メディアを神格化するなアホが - 42 : 2020/05/23(土) 21:11:44.28 ID:CHytOdnR0
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当分はコレでバッシングしてくるだろ - 44 : 2020/05/23(土) 21:12:56.20 ID:b6ysAg0pM
- こういうの韓国も得意じゃん
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- コロナで暇だからな
適当にアジア人叩いて憂さ晴らししないと - 46 : 2020/05/23(土) 21:13:00.93 ID:F50EVovt0
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- 韓国を笑えなくなったな
陰湿はジャップの国民病 - 50 : 2020/05/23(土) 21:14:14.75 ID:dhPFquOsa
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- 日本のネガティブ面は嬉々として取り上げて良く読まれんるだけど、DV、ヘイトクライム、いきなり酸をぶっかける通り魔とかイギリスの陰湿さもスゴいからな。
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- 今日初めて知ったけどそんな酷かったんか